Friday, May 7, 2010

Pro/Engineer layer functionality.

This is about Pro/Engineer layer functionality.

We can control the display of non-solid features in Pro/E using layers

Following most important things about layers.

Hide/unhide layer- The Layer / Hide option allows you to remove objects from the display based upon the Layer they are assigned. When you Hide a Layer, its icon is darkened (in the Layer Tree).

Activate layer - When you choose Layer / Activate, all eligible objects created from that point forward (in your part) are automatically members of that layer. Eligible objects are feature dimensions and any drawing objects (e.g., 3D annotation objects). This allows you to automatically aid in the creation and management of drawings made from your part (or of an assembly containing the part when the assembly is placed on a drawing).

Isolate layers - The Isolate option allows you to quickly display the contents of one Layer while removing the contents of all other Layers from the screen. When a Layer has been Isolated, the system displays a different icon next to its name in the Layer Tree.

Suppress by layer - You can select features by layer for suppress operation. You can remove features from the topology of the part using the Suppress option. Suppressing is similar to Deleting features except that Suppressed features are not permanantly removed from the model and can be Resumed later on. However, Suppressing a feature raises the same concerns as Deleting one in that if it is a Parent to other features, they will fail to Regenerate.

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